Saturday, January 24, 2009

Washington DC

So we finally made it home in one piece! All is well, what a historical event, and I can tell my children that I was there. More to come soon..

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Large format day!!

Hooray...Yesterday was our camera check off day with the large format camera. We had to show our instructors that we know how the camera operates and that we know all of the parts to it. My partner is Josh and I am sure we will have a great time. I cant wait to get out and start shooting with this camera! Here is a peek into our day...

Ansel Adams show @ Faye Gold Gallery

I visited the Faye Gold gallery Wednesday night showing work from former student of Ansel Adams, Bob Kolbrener. I found out about the show at school and met several of my classmates at the gallery that night. It was really exciting to meet Mr. Kolbrener and hear some of the stories he had to share. How amazing to have been taught by Ansel Adams. Props to Lisa for getting him to mail her an old filter of his. Lisa asked if he saw the world in black and white and where his vision came from..his answer was simple, an old red wratten filter. We thought he was joking and sure enough he carries one with him all the time so that he can see how the world looks in black and white. What a great night! More images from the night here

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week One

So we have almost completed the first week of winter quarter. It feels so great to be back, even though the break was too short. This quarter should be full of amazing information ranging from the learning the zone system with our digitals to shooting and developing our own 4 x 5 film from a large format camera. It should be full of new challenges and this quarter seems like it is going to push each of us more than the first. Great to be back with my photo gang!