Friday, September 18, 2009

LT Joseph Helton

Thanks to a tip from classmate Damian, I made it out to the street rally in Grayson for our fallen airmen LT Joseph Helton from Monroe Ga. I have had several experiences photographing soldiers we have lost in the war. I am wondering if maybe one day there will be a bigger purpose for having all of these images. I do believe the American people need to see how frequently this is happening and how many of these young men fearlessly give there lives. I am thankful for everyone who has served this country. I had a great time shooting this with Damian. We were soaked from head to toe and were not prepared for the downpour. I see a lot of photojournalism action in our future!


Damian AhChing said...

WOW! They turned out great! I can't wait for photo j! We will be an unstopable team!

Damian AhChing said...

OH! I see part of my face in the background of one! HAHA!

Colors Of Life Photography said...

The little boys saluting is a great moment. I get goose bumps whenever I see the Patriot Guard. What a amazing group of people. Good job Amanda~
I am thinking you and Mr. Damian may just tear this quarter up.

GG said...

Great photos- they tell the story of community support for soldiers-thank you for your support of our military. GG

Sheri Finch said...

Nice job Amanda! The pictures of the girl holding the flag shot from the chest down, the guy saluting the hearse in the rain and the kids saluting in the background are very nice shots. Well done!

Jiffy Helton (Mom) said...

Wonderful pictures. Such a sad, emotionally tearing day for us...but so comforting to see the numbers who stayed at the sides of the road through the torrential downpours. (sorry for the rain, but that was Joseph's favorite weather!) Thank you for sharing these.