Thursday, October 29, 2009

Local Culture

Out shooting our features for photojournalism has made me realize as photographers we definitely have a different view on life than others Instead of going to the pumpkin patch like everyone else to pick out a pumpkin, we go and hope someone drops it, or a kid has a temper tantrum, or an old lady bends over revealing everything to the world. So here is a laugh to kick off the weekend and good luck to everyone shooting features this weekend, may we have beautiful weather!


Amy Andoe said...

haha this made me smile

Anonymous said...

This is awesome... And you are so right, we really view life differently. LOL

nelson a. bigles said...

Very funny with the chickens! LOL Sorry for the weather but maybe the trick or treating with the rain, made kids "to tough it out" for their treats.
Thanks for your comments its definitely a change, but back at it this week with a new project for the gym.